Basic Matlab Graphing

Steve Seow

Brown University

February 2003


Originally prepared for

PY107 Psychological Theory

with Professor Russell M. Church

Spring 2003

Brown University


This document provide a step-by-step tutorial on creating a simple graph in Matlab. All codes and data appear in courier font. The color coding is somewhat consistent to what you would see in Matlab if you were to type the line in the command window or in the debugger/editor.


1. Getting acquainted with plot function

There is more than one way to create simple graphs in Matlab but for starters, we’ll just deal with the basic stuff. If you simply type plot in the command window and hit enter, you will see...


>> plot

??? Error using ==> plot

Not enough input arguments.




     This is because you need to tell Matlab what to plot. If you type


                        >> plot(x)

??? Undefined function or variable 'x'.




This failed again because x has not been defined. This is Lesson No. 1: you need have data in some form to use the plot function. Let’s define x by typing


          >> x = [1 2 3 4 5]


x =


1     2     3     4     5




Now try plotting x again by typing plot(x)on the command window. A new window should appear with a graph that looks something like this:



2. Plotting two vectors

There is a few problems in the graph above. For a start, we can’t really tell what is being plotted against what. Typically we want to plot one vector against another. As such, we’ll create a second vector and we’ll call it y.


     >> y = [80 25 37 41 57 23]


y =


80    25    37    41    57   23



We’ll plot vector y as a function of x by using the simple command

plot(x,y). Hit the enter key and you’ll get the following message:


            >> plot(x,y)

??? Error using ==> plot

Vectors must be the same lengths.




Lesson No. 2: The lengths of the vectors you use in a plot command must be equal. Type size(x) and size(y) to display the dimensions of the vectors. You will notice that y is one element longer than x. Suppose that the length problem is corrected in that both x and y have 5 elements. If we retype the command plot(x,y)and hit enter. Nothing happens. Why?


Lesson No. 3: New figures are plotted over and overwrites old ones. Click on the first figure and you will notice that it has changed and it looks different from the one above.


If you want to preserve the previous figure and create a new one in a another window, use the figure command before plotting the next graph.

>> figure

>> plot(x,y)




3. Markers and Lines

Needless to say, the graph above needs a lot of work. Typically, we would like to see where the coordinates are. To put markers on the graph, we’ll modify the plot(x,y)line into plot(x,y,'o-b')and this is what we get:


The 'o-b' argument tells the program to plot the graph with open blue circles and blue lines. The o can be substituted with a variety of shapes, such as * for a start, d for a diamond, . for a dot, <, >, and ^ for triangles. The – tells the program to use lines in between the markers. This can also be substituted for a variety of line types, such as --  for dashed lines and .- for dashdot lines. The b part tells the program to use blue color for the lines and markers. A complete listing of types of markers, lines, and colors can be found by typing help plot at the command window.


4. Axes Labels and Title

A proper graph should have a title and correctly labeled axes. Labeling the x- and y-axis in Matlab can be performed by running the appropriate commands. Suppose we want to label the x axis as “Number of stimuli”, we would use the command xlabel('Number of stimuli').Labeling the y axis is similar in that you use ylabel instead. To entitle the graph, we would use title('This is my title'). The following is an example of a graph with labeled x- and y-axis and a title:



5. Axis Scales

It is possible to modify the x- and y-axis in our example above so that both starts at 0 (if necessary). To do this add the line axis([0 6 0 100]) , where the first two numbers refer to the minimum and maximum values on the x-axis, followed by the minimum and maximum values of the y-axis. The graph should now look like this:



6. Plotting another vector into existing graph

Sometimes it is necessary to add another vector or series into an existing graph. To do this, we need to use the hold on command. Suppose we want to graph both x and a new vector called z into the graph, we would insert a hold on command after plotting one vector:

                        >>  plot(x,y,'o-b')

>>  hold on

                        >>  plot(x,z,'o-r')


            This will produce a graph that looks like this:



7. Legend

It is always good practice to provide a legend if more than one vector is being plotted. To create a legend, we’ll add the command legend('blue line','red line'). The program will assign the name blue line to whichever vector was plotted first, and red line to the second. By default, the legend will be added to the top right corner. This position can be change by adding an argument at the end of the names, such as legend('blue line','red line', 2)to place the legend on the top left corner. Try using arguments 0 through 5 to see what happens.



8. Summary

We summarize all the commands necessary to get to the figure above. This is typically constructed in the Debugger/Editor and executed as an m-file. If these lines are copy and pasted into your command window, it should produce the same figure as the one above.


x = [1 2 3 4 5 ]

y = [80 25 37 41 57]

z = [28 36 67 23 85]



hold on


axis([0 6 0 100])

xlabel('Number of stimuli')

ylabel('Test Score')

title('This is my title')

legend('blue line','red line')